Coronavirus : ‘Now no business can spread its wings without technology’ : Ravi Mittal

By: Mohit Manghani

Last updated : May 12, 2020 4:31 pm

In these testing Covid-19 times, businesses and individuals are going the extra mile to decimate the impact of the pandemic. In doing so, one critical problem companies are facing is managing business continuity. As organizations look to turn current challenges into a competitive advantage, business continuity plans are being tested and reworked every day given.

In an exclusive interview with Retail4Growth, Ravi Mittal, Director, Skeyndor India shares business strategies to adopt during these tough times and path forward for the industry

1. What does business continuity mean to you? How would you define it?

Any business must continue in order to grow. It is the ability of a business to maintain essential functions during and after disasters and emergencies. Business continuity planning establishes risk management processes and procedures that aim to prevent interruptions to mission-critical services and reestablish the full function of the organization as quickly and smoothly as possible.

2. Has the current situation forced you to take a harder look at biz continuity? Does it help you prepare better for the future?

The current situation has caught most businesses by surprise, largely because the magnitude of the situation has no precedence in the recent past. I believe, companies should be taking a more holistic approach to business continuity planning. For us, it has left new learnings in its wake. We are taking aggressive steps to counter the current situation. It’s important to address the question: Do you have infrastructure and processes in place to be able to adjust to a changing and dynamic environment like we’re seeing with COVID-19.

3. Can you share some measures you have taken towards ensuring continuity in your business?

We are taking various steps towards ensuring continuity in business, like Online Promotions, Training Videos, Social Media Giveaways, continuous engagement with salons, Prioritizing hygiene and safety measures for the future, Reshaping strategy for business continuity, Maximizing the use of government support policies, Building resilience in preparation for the new normal.

4. Technology obviously is inevitable in biz continuity plans. How do you leverage it for your business?

Now no business can spread its wings without technology. Technology makes it possible for businesses to operate efficiently with minimal manpower and cost. Technology helps businesses maintain data flow, manage contacts, track processes and maintain employee records. Because of its ability to streamline operating costs, technology delivers instant access to supplies and information, so businesses are able to offer affordable pricing of goods and services without sacrificing quality.

5. Sustainability and continuity are closely linked. Going forward do you think there is going to be a greater focus on sustainability in this industry? What are your own plans in this regard?

Sustainability is critical for business continuity. There are different aspects of sustainability: environmental, financial and community. The financial sustainability of employees has to be planned to counter such emergencies so that their salaries and employment are not compromised. Businesses can’t be just profit-making ventures; they have to take care of people who work for them. We surely aim to be better planned in this respect in the future.

6. End of the day business is about people. How do you ensure that the concept of biz continuity seeps into the working culture and staff mindset?

Every business continuity plan must be supported from the top down. That means senior management must create and update the plan. It is not something that can be delegated to subordinates. The plan is likely to remain fresh and viable if senior management makes it a priority by dedicating time for adequate review and testing.

Management is also key to promoting user awareness. If employees don't know about the plan, how will they be able to react appropriately when time comes. Although plan distribution and training can be conducted by business unit managers or HR staff, but it is always best to have someone from the top to drive in its importance.

Business Coronavirus COVID-19 Coronavirus Impact Lockdown Business Continuity Plan Retail Ravi Mittal Skeyndor India

First Published : May 12, 2020 10:21 am