Vulcon Industries introduces BIPOS Retail lockers to enhance contactless shopping experience

By: Retail4Growth Team

Last updated : January 20, 2021 10:38 am

The smart lockers caters to all kinds of retailers and provides them with the opportunity to offer touchless and a suitable pickup alternative for all online purchases.

The creator of custom store fixtures and retail display solutions in the United States, Vulcan Industries announced the launch of Buy Online, Pickup In Store (BOPIS) Smart Lockers. The BOPIS Smart Lockers are a retailer and customer friendly system that facilitates a contactless and expedient pickup experience.

Jim Brown, Vice-President- Sales & Marketing, Vulcan Industries, stated, “Now, more than ever, shoppers are demanding quick, convenient and contactless purchase options. Our smart lockers help retailers build brand loyalty by reducing wait times and improving their customer’s shopping experiences.”

Consumers can place orders online from a phone, mail, text or the store app. The physical store receives and picks the order, then places it in the locker while feeding all information in an easy application in the mobile. The customer receives a QR code through email or text to open the locker.

“The BOPIS Smart Locker system allows retailers to build only what they need and doesn’t require integration with retailers’ existing software applications, resulting in a quick deployment,” mentioned William Hutson, President, Vulcan Industries

The locker modules can be installed and the functionality can be expanded with the escalating demand. Functioning as a standalone solution or a fully-integrated constituent of a wider omni-channel strategy, the company’s BOPIS retail lockers caters to all kinds of retailers and gives them the opportunity to offer contactless and a suitable pickup alternative for all online purchases.

Vulcon Industries Jim Brown William Hutson retail news retail locker retail4growth retail updates consumer experience contactless

First Published : January 20, 2021 10:34 am