Just Signs brings UK based'StackaWraps' to India


Last updated : January 23, 2019 7:42 pm

Just Signs India, a Bangalore based signage and graphics company collaborated with UK firm'Stackawraps' to bring this interesting and unique option for in-store branding activities in India.

Just signs in collaboration with Stackawraps introduces the new 3D photo real solution into Indian branding for the first time. Stackawraps is a UK based research and design company which has invented the idea of using a revolutionary software to create exact replicas of images. They use cardboard cut-outs to create shapes and then cover it with a fabric which replicates the product for which it is supposed to be used.
The process involved in creating these portable light weight structures is as follows:

The photo realistic printing which is followed in the process is highly versatile and durable. There are multiple benefits of using this shopper marketing method. These expertly made precision parts are slot together and a photo realistic replica of the product is achieved on a giant scale.

JustSigns Stakawraps shoppermarketng

First Published : May 10, 2017 12:00 am