Customers taste Sunfeast Farmlite cookie sampling activity at Crossword

By: Subhro Prakash Ghosh

Last updated : December 11, 2017 2:03 pm

The activity included Sunfeast Farmlite cookie samples, bookmarks, booklets, tent-card near cash counters and shelf talkers displayed at various section gondolas.

ITC Ltd recently conducted a one-month branding cum sampling activity in 10 cities across 22 Crossword stores wherein around 2, 06,872 numbers of ITC Sunfeast Farmlite cookies were sampled from cash tilts. In this activity, samples were handed over personally by the cashier along with bookmark and booklet to every customer along with the invoice. In terms of branding, one tent-card needs were displayed and deployed against each cash tilt in every store and shelf talkers were displayed at the health and fitness section and food and drink and cookery section gondolas.

The activity had five key points or deliverables which included Sunfeast Farmlite cookie samples, bookmark which had a missed call contest printed on it, booklets, tent-card near cash counters, shelf talkers displayed at various section gondolas. A pocket-size booklet was also given in the bag from the gift packing counter or from cash counter as per the space availability and convenience.

Each Crossword store had to fill the activity status as per the format told to them. To ensure that the activity was carried out, two mystery audits from ITC were done to check all deliverable (branding elements and samplings) across stores. Crossword scored overall 79 per cent in the first audit and 91 per cent in the second audit conducted by the third party. It also tied up with, Sunfeast Farmlite Activity, one of the agencies for ITC.

According to a spokesperson from Crossword, "As it was one of its kind activity and a penalty clause was involved, it was a big challenge for us. We ensured proper execution of the branding and sampling with each billing.”

ITC Farmlite Crossword

First Published : November 20, 2014 12:00 am