Telon Tale

By: Elke Moebius

Last updated : October 13, 2017 1:05 pm

The story that follows here is about the window communication at Telon which is an individual men's wear store. Telon invites its male shoppers to nudge their pockets when the wedding bells ring.

The same idea of masks has been carried forward on the first floor as well but it translates differently. To complement the ethnic display, the mannequin faces have been wrapped with dupatttas. The wooden installation has been created as a frame to the mannequins and instead of being a simple unnoticeable frame, it speaks of creative volumes.

Simple stripes of orange in white make up the window backdrop for the ground floor windows. Masked mannequins indicate that the mannequin face is not of much importance and the focus is the merchandise. Bird masks with mikes in front symbolize the singing birds in the summer season.

The store’s collection focuses on wardrobe essentials for a man in the wedding sea

First Published : May 19, 2014 12:00 am