Louis Philippe Showcases'The Perfect Shirt'

By: Chanda Kumar

Last updated : October 13, 2017 1:05 pm

Promoting'The Perfect Shirt', the window display at a few Louis Philippe stores created an exquisite deconstructed shirt concept, where props highlights a blend of fine fabrics, unparalleled craftsmanship and unmatched detailing that go into an LP shirt.

The design focus iterates on bringing the ad campaign as a live installation at store windows with the elements of craftsmanship that make this product unique.

The LP window display depicts all features like impeccable collar & cuff construction, finest supima cotton fabric, lock stitch, threads, buttons through direct representation.

Value of materials is polished by adding focus lights, which bring out the warmth of materials, add focus on product.

Louis Philippe

First Published : December 16, 2016 12:00 am