W goes UnEthnicals


Last updated : October 13, 2017 1:05 pm

W recently unveiled a festive paradox, a brand new entry in the fashion vocabulary, #UnEthnicals tonality was aesthetically translated through unique display styles in and around all the stores.

The cut-out display along with a lit up window panel and a conical-shaped metallic element accentuating and completing the window display became the talking point for #UnEthnicals trend

Executed across 220 stores, the props included a iron grill with LED lights, acrylic lit box with campaign logo, iron cone with a lit bulb and signboard box with a thread mesh.

The ‘DramatiCones Window Display’ turned out to be a complete head turner. The unique window display was understated yet thought-provoking; seamlessly making DramatiCones –a talking point amongst women shoppers throughout the season.

W #UnEthnicals

First Published : January 17, 2017 12:00 am