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How is Walmart revolutionizing its shopping carts?

By Vipin Singh | May 22, 2019

Here’s a look at how Walmart devised a strategy to be a tech innovation company, rather than a retail giant to recover from losses and maintain revenue growth.

Vipin Singh This strategy not only helped Walmart to recover from loss but is now the main reason for its growing revenue.

n the retail business, customer experience is one of the major things to be considered by a company. Walmart is now utilizing the latest technologies to make the customer experience more engaging.

One of the main things in which Walmart revolutionizes is the shopping cart technology. Walmart is working on a shopping cart so advanced that you don’t even have to push for it to follow the direction you want it to follow.

Walmart is adding new features in a shopping cart and filing patent application on that feature to secure the technology.

What types of features is Walmart is adding on a shopping cart?

Walmart has added many new features to a shopping cart. Below are the new features along with the patent application describing that feature of a shopping cart:

Route Planning

A patent disclosed a new feature of route planning on a shopping cart. It is said that this feature will help a customer in a shopping mall during the hours when the rush is at peak. This feature will help make a route plan to follow which could help you shop in an easy way.

Voice and video chat

Another patent tells a new feature of providing a calling option from a shopping cart to connect with a staff member for any assistance. By calling, you can ask for any help regarding a product or a particular location of a product, etc.

Further, a patent tells a feature of adding a screen on a shopping cart to call for human assistance. The cart will also have a wireless network interface to send the request to another system. This can help you to interact with a human assistant through video calling.

Moreover, Walmart even installed a camera device to the cart that will help you to ask about a product to which you want assistance, says a patent. The camera will send the live feed to a customer assistant then the assistant can provide solutions as per your requirements

Self-Driving Feature

Walmart is also working on selfdriving shopping carts, according to a patent application, which will help the hassle to push the cart throughout the mall. Although, it is not particularly a problem but when the list of products is too high and you have a child with you, this scenario could become a problem. And using a self-driving feature, Walmart is taking customer level to another level.

Another patent also revealed how they are actually serious with self-driving tech. A camera will be installed on the carts which will help it to carefully drive around the obstacles which improve safety and security. In a selfdriving mode, finding things sometimes become problematic using IR sensors but a camera can be useful here as it can have a wide angle view and thus can able to detect maximum things.

Tracking Systems

Recently, a patent application tells that Walmart is working on a shopping cart with a biometric system to track its customer stress level, read pulse rate and temperature. From this feature, your data will be sent to a server where the staff might be checking if someone need assistance. If they find that some customer is heavily stressed then they can approach the customer for further assistance.


These are some of the features which Walmart might implement on its shopping carts. And securing every feature using patents signals that Walmart wants to secure the area of shopping carts. Whatever the intention behind this, one thing is for sure that it knows that the ultimate goal is to make the customer experience better.

About the Author: Vipin Singh is a technology enthusiast and a movie buff who loves to read and writes about upcoming technologies and companies strategies. In his free time, he adds extra sugar in his tea.



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