Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How do you ensure effective shopper marketing training?

By N Jayalakshmi | February 17, 2014

Source: http://www.engageconsultants.com/blog/ensure-effective-shopper-marketing-training/

Developing talent is a challenge most businesses face across most areas of their business. However, the challenge is even greater in Shopper Marketing, where existing skills are more limited, the topic is relatively new and the resources to support the development internally and externally are in the main very poor. In a recent survey we conducted with Nielsen we discovered that 82% of managers polled said Shopper Marketing would become increasingly important so it is clearly an area where we need to pay attention. In the same survey 96% of respondents claimed the competency of their people in shopper marketing was either "developing” or lower.

Why is this the case?

In the survey, respondents claimed there were two main reasons for lack of shopper marketing capability:

  • Lack of shopper marketing training (50%)
  • Lack of shopper marketing talent (68%)

The two responses are clearly related: and given the fact there is a shortage of talent in this area across the board, our view is that the focus of shopper marketing leaders, marketing directors and sales leaders must be on developing this talent internally and on doing this in the most effective manner available. This requires an effective approach to shopper marketing training.

How can Shopper Marketing training be executed successfully?

There are some simple steps that can be taken to better guarantee the effectiveness of shopper marketing training.

  • Understand what Shopper Marketing is  and how it applies to your business. Shopper marketing is new to many businesses, and to the industry, and can mean different things to different people. Without a consensus as to what it means for your business, there is a danger that your newly empowered team will lack focus, purpose and  may find it difficult to engage with other functions who may have different ideas about what shopper marketing is all about.At engage we use a simple definition namely'"The systematic application of elements of the marketing mix to affect positive change in shopper behavior in order to drive consumption of a brand”. It's not the only definition by any means, but it's a good start!

  • Understand how an increase in shopper marketing talent will help your business achieve its  goals. This will help you better define the significance and position of shopper marketing in your organization, and most importantly - what you really want to achieve at the end of any training  session. There is a great deal to do and knowing where to start is important so it is important that the biggest needs are understood so that they are the focus of any shopper marketing training.

  • Check the credentials of the trainers. There are many agencies jumping on the shopper marketing bandwagon, yet when you look at their credentials they really have very limited exposure, and normally in just one aspect of Shopper Marketing. Do the research - what areas of shopper marketing training do they offer? Who are some of their clients? What have others in the industry said about them?

  • Understand the format of Shopper Marketing training that suits your people best. Don't just "train”; training on its own is okay, but in our experience transferring skills back to the office requires more. One-off programs usually add very little value and leave the delegates frustrated. Programs should be supported with coaching from the manager and be seen to be part of a total syllabus with  supporting manuals and ideally coaching support.

  • Understand that shopper marketing is more than just about the shopper marketing teams. Getting shopper marketing right is more than just training shopper marketers, it will require behavioral change in the consumer marketing and sales teams. This cannot be achieved without commitment throughout the organization.

Getting started with shopper marketing training

While realizing the increasing importance of shopper marketing, many companies struggle to get started with developing their team's shopper marketing talent. At engage, we've trained and developed shopper marketing competencies and skills for numerous leading consumer goods companies in the region.



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