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7 tips for an effective window display

By Smita Sinha | August 21, 2019

Here are few tips on how to create an effective window display to increase more footfalls and generate more sales.

Creating an impeccable window display to make the brand stand out from its competitors can sometime be a daunting task for the visual merchandisers. When done right, it triggers an innate response that often result in higher sales result. Currently VM has a very strong role to play to not only enhance store presence but also to transform the whole space and ensure that key products are presented in a best way. Retail4Growth spoke with few industry professional who shared few tips for an effective window display which will help in more footfalls and generate more sales.

1. Narrate a brand story

Every brand holds a unique story. An effective window display is not only about showcasing the products that a store sells, it is also about weaving together various elements from props to lights, fixtures and colour to create and narrate a brand story to compel the shoppers to enter into the store. As Jagmohan Rawat, Partner, Catalyst Design points out, “VM is equal to storytelling. The window display needs to tell a story, and it should be consistent throughout all the touchpoints. And it need to be engaging at the same time.”

“Focus on every elements of the store design on telling a brand story and highlighting product and visual merchandising is a crucial component of the story telling,” Federico Fraternal, Head of Design, Restore Design explained.

2. Simple and consistent

According to a report, ideally a customer spends 3-7 seconds at the retail entrance while deciding whether to enter the shop or not. Within that fractional second you have to capture the attention and make an impact on their subconscious mind that changes their buying behaviour and pattern. In such case, clutter and chaos in displays should be avoid. It needs to be simple and consistent. “Don’t make it too messy by trying to get too many messages. A window needs to have a clear focal point where the eye can stay,” says Jagmohan Rawat.

Sharing a similar view, Saurabh Mehdiratta, Director, Ozeca, explains, “There must be focus on spotlighting a single item or a few related items to create a coherent them/story.

3. Less is more approach

Sometimes, less is more. A lot of visual merchandisers tend to add a lot of elements and colors to their work, but that tends to mislead the shoppers and confuse them about the brands image. “Less is more approach helps deliver maximum impact by showing less,” says Nuno Rosa, Head of Visual Merchandising & E-commerce Styling Manager at VERO MODA India. “It's not about dressing stores; it’s about sales getting translated.”

“If a VM uses the concept of ‘less is more’, they can achieve the defined sales targets,” Arden D’Souza, Founder & CEO of Sheriden SA adds.

4. Product should be the hero

An effective window display should include unique and memorable product presentation. Many brands tend to overboard the displays with too many props. As Rawat highlights, “Prop cannot become the hero. In the end you are not selling a prop, you are selling products and props are like ‘supporting cast’, which needs to compliment the products and make the product hero.”

Jenny Andrews, Founder and Chief Creative Lead, Studio J, adds, “Product should be the hero, and a good VM should be functional, communicative and easy to manage for the store staff.”

Props should tell the brand or product story. The aim of the props is to highlight saleable items in order to increase profit “It should be interactive and serve a functional purpose apart from thematic,” Anuraag S said.

Arden D’Souza, Founder & CEO of Sheriden SA, shares on a similar vein, “Props and products need to speak to each other and complement each other, not overpower or jostle for space.”

5. Proper lighting

Another important aspect of an effective window display is proper lighting. Lighting is often an overlooked element of great window display. The right lighting will illuminate the display, drawing shoppers’ attention to it and product. “Lighting plays an important role which can create good drama inside the window,” says Sumit Kumar, Partner, Catalyst Design.

“For an effective window display, proper lighting is very important. Lot of people fail to understand the importance of lighting, be they retailers or visual merchandisers, Dhurgha Shankar, Co-Founder, Design Palette adds.

6. Prototyping is the key

To create a window display within a budget and to save on time and cost, a brand should test in at one store before rolling out across other stores. “Right prototyping is the key,” says Anuraag S, Founder, Creativist & Visual Merchandiser – PENCILBOX. “Prototyping is as good as a 5-year business plan on papers, because it can save cost and time and you can test it at one of your store. Here again, you can be innovative or creative within a budget.”

He further adds, “Have a pre-plan for the disposal of displays and props.”

7. Upcycle props and products

Upcycling of props and products is a growing trend in VM props and also a better way to promote your brand CSR drives. “It highlights unique props that customers can relate to. I’ve found that reusing broken or scrapped mannequins, or toys or scrapped vehicles or even newspaper is very interesting. These have caused signature statements and are remembered for a long while,” Arden D’Souza, Founder & CEO of Sheriden SA said.

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